Please read our FAQs, starting with how the app works in real-time, explaining the Location History and saving location features, and the profile visibility settings. If you have any questions please get in touch.

How does the app work in real-time?

1. Set and modify privacy settings for complete control over your profile visibility: Choose to display your profile, lock your picture, or hide your profile entirely.

2. Allow discovery: View profiles of other users within a 35-meter radius in your feed, facilitating location sharing and eye contact. However, real-time interaction with these profiles may vary based on each user's privacy settings. For instance, visible and locked profiles can exchange messages in real-time, but hidden profiles cannot send or receive messages with visible or locked profiles. Regardless of your profile privacy settings, you can still save your location.

3. Save your location: If real-time interaction is limited due to privacy settings, save your location to reconnect later with users who have saved the same location while within your 35-meter radius.

Do you automatically share my profile with everyone within my 35-meter radius?

Absolutely not. We never share your location automatically. Your profile will only be shown to users within a 35-meter radius if you manually enable the 'Allow Discovery' button. Additionally, before allowing discovery, you control how your profile is shown to other users—you can choose to lock it, hide it, or keep it visible.

What is 'Location History' and how does 'Save your location' work?

The location history displays users who shared and saved a real-time location while within a 35-meter radius.

It’s like interacting in real-time, but from the comfort of your home, office, gym, or wherever you are. Location History will feature only the places you’ve chosen to allow discovery and save, showing only users who also saved those locations while within your 35-meter radius. It’s like reliving your day.

It's important to note that the way you choose to save your location in real-time reflects how your profile will appear to other user profiles in the location history.

For example, if your profile was saved in real-time as locked, that's how it will initially show to other users on the location history. However, in the location history, you have the flexibility to switch between the settings (locked, hidden, or visible) at any time.

What does a 'Visible profile' mean?

Your profile is fully visible to others. This includes your profile details and pictures, which can be seen by other users. With a visible profile, you can send and receive messages from both users with locked profiles and those with visible profiles. This applies to both real-time and location history.

What does a 'Locked profile' mean?

Your profile is visible to others, but your picture is locked to restrict viewing. With a locked profile, you can send and receive messages from both users with visible profiles and those with locked profiles. This applies to both real-time and location history.

What does a 'Hidden profile' mean?

Your profile is completely hidden and won't appear on other users' feeds.

Other users with locked and visible profiles will only see the number of hidden profiles in their proximity, such as '3 profiles are hidden in your location.' This applies to both real-time and location history.

With a hidden profile, you can still view other users with visible or locked profiles, but you cannot interact with them, meaning you cannot send or receive messages. This applies to both real-time and location history. Even with a hidden profile, you can still save your location when sharing it in real-time with other users. However, your profile will remain hidden in location history to others who saved the same location, unless you decide to switch to a visible or locked profile.

How many times can I switch between my profile visibility settings?

You can switch between your profile visibility settings as many times as you like. There are no limitations on how frequently you can change from visible, locked, or hidden settings in the app.

This applies to both real-time and location history.

Can users who visit and save the same location before or after I was there still see my profile on their location history?

Absolutely not! The app will only show on your location history only the profiles that saved the location while being within your 35-meter radius at the same time as you!

For example, Suzy allowed discovery and saved a specific location (let's say the "Ristretto" coffee shop) at 10:02 AM, but you weren’t there. Later, you visit the same location and save your own location. Since Suzy is not there at the same time, you will not be able to find each other on the PairPoint location history. Users must allow discovery and save their location when they are at the same place and time within a 35-meter radius.

After I save and leave a specific location, can users from that location see my current location when I check my location history?

Absolutely not. Users cannot see your current location after you have saved and left a specific location. Your current whereabouts are never shared. In fact, you can use the location history feature to interact with other users from a specific location without allowing discovery or sharing your current location.

What if I revisit a previously saved location?

If you revisit a previously saved location, you'll see the "Update Location" button instead of the "Save Location" button. This means you can update the location and also add the current real-time users. This will not affect the users who saved the location during your last visit. You'll see both users from the previous time and users from the current real-time visit.

What if I see users in the location history whom I'm not interested in?

If you see public profiles that are not of interest, you can remove them. If you see locked profiles and believe one of them is the profile you're interested in, you can start messaging each other. Alternatively, you can switch to a visible profile; maybe someone will make a move, or they will switch to a visible profile themselves, and then you'll make the move.

Can I block other user profiles?

Yes, you can block other user profiles. Your profile will not be visible to blocked users, and you will not be able to access their profiles for both past locations and future real-time locations unless you unblock them.

How many locations i can save?

You can save as many locations as you want. On your location history, from the map, you'll see a number of locations to choose from, each with its own users who have shared and saved that location while being within a 35-meter radius.

How Does Photo Verification Work?

Photo Verification Overview:
Photo Verification involves a simple step: taking a video selfie. You will receive “Photo Verified” status if the person in your video selfie passes both the Liveness Check and 3D Face Authentication.
Liveness Check scans the face in your video to confirm that it was taken by a real, live person and not digitally altered or manipulated.
3D Face Authentication detects your face in the video selfie and your profile photos, extracting facial geometries using facial recognition technology to create a unique facial geometry “template.” These templates help verify that the person in your video selfie matches the person in your profile photos.Your facial geometry templates are deleted within 24 hours. The video selfie is deleted and not added to your profile; however, we retain two screenshots from the video selfie for auditing and management purposes.
How do we use the Facial Geometry information? We only use your facial geometry information for Photo Verification. To complete the process, we share your facial geometry information and screenshots with our service provider, who operates this feature upon our instructions and on our behalf. They store and use your facial geometry information and screenshots on their Amazon Web Service (AWS) instances. This information and screenshots are deleted from AWS instances in accordance with the retention timeframes outlined below. We do not share your facial geometry information or screenshots with any other third parties.
What will we keep after verification is complete? We will keep two screenshots from your video selfie during the life of your account to audit and manage the selfie verification feature. These screenshots are deleted upon account closure, in line with our Privacy Policy. We also retain the results of the Photo Verification process (i.e., verified or not). We do not retain the underlying facial geometry information or “template” beyond the Photo Verification process (usually completed within 24 hours). Your video selfie is not retained.
Under what legal authority do we process Photo Verification information? We process Photo Verification information with your consent.
What is the policy for the retention and destruction of biometric information?
Retention: Biometric information, specifically facial geometries used for facial recognition in your video selfie and profile pictures for Photo Verification, is created and retained only with your consent and for the duration of the Photo Verification process, which may take up to 24 hours. After the process is complete, the biometric information is deleted. We retain screenshots from the video selfie for the purposes outlined above, but the facial geometry information is deleted.
Destruction: Once the biometric information is deleted following the completion of the Photo Verification process, it is permanently removed from our systems and cannot be retrieved.
How do I find more information about data practices, including my privacy rights? Visit our Privacy Policy to learn more about our privacy practices, including information on your rights.
What if I have another question? Feel free to contact us anytime!

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